Xera vom hohlen Huegel, OFA

Born: October 3, 2015

Sire: HIT Ieuan vom hohlen Huegel, AD, BH, IPO 1 'a'
Dam: Luna vom hohlen Huegel, 'a', DM clear

Xera is known as "Exie" since it took me forever to come up with her registered name and she was known as "the X girl"... I guess that contributes to her special status, since she is *that* girl to me! My go-to hiking buddy, she strikes me as being an embodiment of the original ideal German Shepherd dogs that inspired the creation of the breed... naturally responsive, clear headed, able to lie quietly and peacefully when I'm at repose, but ready in an instant to engage and take action. She has an athlete's endurance and a herder's instincts.


